Aminet 49
Aminet 49 (2002)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 2002].iso
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LOTTO CHECK version 2.0 Copy-right 1997 Lorence Lombardo.
Lotto check is only useful to those who play the same ticket(s) each week.
This program makes ticket checking no longer a laborious task and is ideal
for work syndicates were a large number of tickets are played. It will
check Tattslotto, Oz lotto, keno, pools and Power ball. All system entries are
supported and each ticket can have its own individual name. The data file
which is created by LOTTO CHECK is compatible between the I.B.M and AMIGA
version of this program. I have seen other lotto checking programs for the
I.B.M but they were limited to check only standard lotto tickets, lacked
functions or options, and did not have decent ticket editing features.
This is the most powerful lotto checking program I have seen for the I.B.M.
and the only one I have seen for the AMIGA.
Before you start make sure that the file "LC-DEF.DAT" is in the same
directory as Lotto Check and then type LC2. Lotto check will
automatically load "LC-DEF.DAT" as the default data file so tickets can
be checked straight away. I have created several sample data files so you can
see how the checker works. All you have to do is enter some numbers and
Lotto Check will start checking tickets. If you are checking the Oz lotto
2nd chance draw then just press [Enter] when asked for supplementary
number one and your tickets will be checked appropriately. Underneath each
ticket the checker will display a variety of options. I wont insult your
intelligence or waste my time explaining them since I feel that they are
straight forward. To reset the program you can also use the "ESC" key and
pressing the letter "q" quits the program.
When asked to enter the lotto numbers, if you enter the letter "o" it
will take you to the options menu.
The options are as follows:-
"L Load a new data file."
"E Ticket editor" Allows you to create your own data file.
"R Create random tickets" Allows you to create up to 100 standard random
tickets. To create a random system ticket use the ticket editor.
"C Return to checker" Pressing "ESC" also returns to checker.
"W Show winning tickets only" Makes the Checker only display winning
tickets. Makes checking much faster.
"A About"
"Q Quit"
Most the functions of the ticket editor are fairly straight forward so I
will only explain the functions which require some explanation.
"Enter" Use this to give or change the ticket name.
"Arrows" Move the cursor around
"S sort" Sorts all ticket numbers from smallest to largest just
as they would appear on a lotto ticket.
"G goto" Go to a specific ticket number.
"N new" Clears all data.
"A print all" Prints all tickets.
"S system" Changes the ticket system. This should also be set before data
entry takes place since all the contents of that ticket will be cleared.
"G games" This changes the amount of games per ticket. This should be set
before the data entry takes place because contents of the ticket will be
"O options " Takes you back to the options menu. Pressing the "ESC" key
also does the same thing.
"M mode" Changes the ticket editing mode. ie. keno, pools, lotto etc...
NB: * When in Powerball mode the last number entry is your powerball.
* When in Keno mode the last number entry is your spot number and
this be entered before entering other numbers.
[Alt] / [Crtl] KEYS:-
The following command keys are common to the [Alt] and [Ctrl] keys. If the
[Alt] key is pressed then action will be peformed on the current ticket
and if the [Ctrl] key is pressed the action will be peformed on the
current game (line).
"X copy" Copys the current ticket or game to the ticket or game buffer.
"P paste" Pastes the ticket or game buffer to the current ticket or game.
"W swap" Swaps the current ticket or game with the ticket or game buffer.
"P print" Prints the current ticket or game to the printer.
"Z zero" Clears or zero's the current ticket or game.
"R random" Creates a random ticket or game. Be careful with this one it
will overwrite the current ticket or game. If you dont wish to overwrite
the current ticket or game then be sure to use the insert function first.
"K kill" Erase's the current ticket or game and shifts the following
tickets or games back one.
"I insert" Shifts the current and following tickets or games forward one
so that the current ticket remains blank for data entry.
If you are transferring data files to the IBM you must give the data file
the extension ".DAT" or else the IBM version wont look at it.
This version of Lotto Check both for the Amiga and IBM, was written on an
Amiga 1200 equiped with a Blizzard 68060 board. The IBM version was ported
from the Amiga version using `PCx' the best & fastest IBM emulator I have
have ever seen for the Amiga, which was written by Jim Drew & MicroCode
Solutions. Thanks Jim & MicroCode. Looking forward to future versions of
this excellent program. Thanks to Richard Gormley for scrutinizing,
bug testing and program suggestions. Thanks to Warren Rizzi for the icon
on the Amiga version.
******************* This program is "SHARE WARE" *********************
If you try this program and wish to continue to use it, you may do so
provided you do following as payment:-
* Send a disk with some PD on it, preferably AMIGA PD but IBM PD will
be accepted.
* Let me know whether you are using the AMIGA or IBM version, the version
number, tell what you think of it and if you have found bugs let me
know what they are.
Payment should be sent to: LORRY
5 Rankin street
Altona, Victoria,
Australia, 3018.
I dont think that I am asking for too much. If you dont comply to the
ShareWare requirements then you are a very naughty immoral person and I
hope your hard disk is wiped by a virus or your computer mysteriously
self combusts.
This program may be freely distributed on PD libraries.
Although I have never known this program to fail I can not take any
responsibility for failure of this program or for human data entry error.